Thursday, September 1, 2011

Samsung Galaxy Ace S5830 Gets Official Gingerbread 2.3.4 Update with DDKQ5

Galaxy Ace S5830 users can now breathe easy as an all new update for the Galaxy Ace has arrived in the form of an update version Gingerbread 2.3.4. With the arrival of this Global Gingerbread 2.3.4 update which is having the version name as DDKQ5 and is among the stable releases OF ALL THE Gingerbread versions. Over a period of time there have been several beta versions which were seen on this site but due to some or other reasons users used to face some issues which now has been sorted out in this version of firmware. Though there is no exact clarity on where this update is pushed via KIES, we have a manual way with which you can update your Ace easily.
So, in the due course of this article we will see on how you can update with the same as this version comes along with a bunch of enhancements which too we will see in the dues course of this article and for your convenience, we have broken this article over a couple of pages so that all the different sections like Pre upgrade instructions, Enhancements and then followed by the Procedure to update with this version will be seen. Additionally, ensure that you are applying this update only on Galaxy Ace S5830 and not on any other phone as just in case if you still proceed for the update then there is a high probability that you may end up bricking up the device.
Highlight: The best part of this firmware is that anyone from any part of the World can proceed with the updation of the Galaxy Ace S 5830 device. The only thing you need to do is to just follow the instructions strictly which are mentioned in the due course of this article.
In the last two articles of the update for this Samsung Galaxy Ace S5830, it has been found that users were not following the procedure and due to which many of them faced some serious consequences due to which either the phones were not updated or the devices got halted in the amidst of updating it due to improper flashing of the phone. So, we appeal to all of you out here that kindly follow the instructions which are mentioned in the due course of this article so as to refrain from such incidents which will facilitate the smooth updation process of the device.
Rooting Information: Please note that, updating with this firmware version won’t root the phone in any manner or even won’t require you to root the phone before applying this update. Just in case if your phone is already rooted then you will have to enter into the recovery mode and then need to clear the cache and wipe the data to apply this update of DDKQ5.
Note : Please note that in the process of updation you will be losing all the data which is SMS, Contacts, Music, Videos and Pictures if they are stored in the phone. All the contents stored in your external SD Card will stay intact and no contents will be modified in the external SD card. Additionally, all the APN Settings as well as the MMS Settings too will be erased, so you need to ensure that you are noting all this settings somewhere so that you can then restore the same by configuring it manually once the firmware updation process is done. To know on how you can back up all your data, kindly refer to the “Pre Upgrade Instructions” which are mentioned in the Page No. 3.
Disclaimer : We take no responsibility in any manner if any damage occurs with your phone which is a very unlikely event if you follow each and every single instruction which is mentioned in the due course of this article. Although if at all there are any issues then do report us in the comments section and we will help you in solving the same.

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